Interactive Works

Since 2005, multimodal formats with user-interaction have become prevalent forms as second generation web technologies (also called web 2.0) introduced two way communication abilities.  Students can use interaction to further evaluate and inform changing information about topics or as a way to include the participant in the development of an argument, environment or pathway.

Interactive works provide a user with multiple modes of interacting, including:

  • user content generated contributions and assemblages such as a blog, Wikipedia or Tumblr
  • interactive abilities, such as surveys and posted discussions
  • the use of virtual spaces for learning, such as Second Life

Projects Ideas

An online portfolio offers evidence of a student or class work and progress by collecting and organizing artifacts into a portfolio structure. It is multimodal in its nature because the evidence could be provided through images, written text, video, audio, electronic files, hyperlinks, blogs, etc… and users can navigate through the material once online.

  1. Have students create an online portfolio that showcases classwork or an experience of process they partook in the class. This can be used to develop analysis on engaged learning community partnerships, or as a way to post original work in an interactive nature.
  2. Develop a class blog where students post responses on a particular topic. Collect those responses under particular categories or tags so that they organize into thematic areas the students can visit.  By the end of the course the class will have an online record of their process through the class and can reflect on their growth.  A class blog may also be a more relaxed setting for students to start writing online because it is not representative of any one student, but instead the consciousness and growth of a class community.


Useful Links

Have students create, improve, add to or translate a Wikipedia article or a class wiki of people, places, objects, concepts or other details on topics of the course.  This is a great project format for students to work in groups because they can sign into a common account and add to a Wikipedia article together.  Wikipedia, like an encyclopedia, requires a neutral tone and for everything to be verifiable and cited, therefore students can learn about how to research and back up a claim and distinguish verifiable sources from unreliable sources.  It can be great practice for students to communicate to a public online audience about their research area.  Wiki education is enthusiastic to support educators in editing endeavors, and has created a “Dashboard” infrastructure to organize and track students’ contributions for the class.

  1. In order to improve online representation of thinkers and contributors of different disciplinary fields, consider having students represent female, black, queer, indigenous, immigrant and other overlooked female and non-binary (and variation) persons in order to fill gaps and overlooked contributions of intersectionality and diversity.


Useful Links

Some recommended programs:


  • UBC Blogs
  • Wix (Free plan comes with ads. Paid subscription for additional features and custom domain.)

Low Cost

*Free application, however you will need a server to install.

User-content Generated

A selection of other online and virtual spaces that allow for user-content generated contributions and interaction include;