Sample Rubrics

  • Digital Media Project: Sample Assessment Rubric
    This rubric is created by the Adobe Education group. It assesses a generic media project in three areas: Demonstration of learning, use of technological elements and tools, and final product and presentation.
  • Rubric for Multimedia Presentation
    This is a very comprehensive assessment for any sort of multimodal presentation. It analyses 6 categories: Research of topic, organization, content, use of technology, mechanics, and teamwork.
  • Podcast Rubric
    This rubric created by the University of Wisconsin assesses the podcast delivery in seven areas: Introduction, content, delivery, interview, graphic and music enhancements, technical production, group/partner work.
  • Rubric for Infographic or Poster
    This rubric created by Texas Education seeks to evaluate the infographic or poster in 4 overall areas: content, focus, visual appeal, and mechanics.
  • Infographic Rubric
    This infographic rubric seeks to assess all of the elements of the composition of the infographic such as the type of infographic, objects, data visualization, fonts, colors, and layout; as well as some academic feature such as citations, information organization (that overlap with the composition of the infographic) and the topic.
  • Rubric for Classroom Webpages
    This rubric from the University of Wisconsin attempts to assess the creations of a webpage in seven categories that look for easy navigability, audience, layout, copyright, and mechanics.