Rubric Language
The following headings represent broad excerpts of language that can be integrated into the development of rubric criteria. These criteria are meant to accompany disciplinary or subject-specific criteria that accompany the project such as; research, organization, mechanics, etc….
Meant to be a guideline from which you can grab points that might be useful in customizing your own rubric, the following is not an exhaustive list and needs added details in order to align to your specific class assignment outcomes.
Remember to include only criteria that you will be grading, and ensure that you have sufficiently taught or provided students with resources for these areas.
Technical grades usually asses how students have utilized a particular software, and how well they’ve adjusted it for their purposes. Below are some ideas for descriptors you may want to use in the grading rubric.
Above Average |
- proof of initiative and superior grasp of program potentials put to use
- further development of program use beyond expectations
- effective use of media and executes to audience effectively and without errors
Average Work |
- program used appropriately and/or properly
- showed evidence of efficiency, executed towards function
- identified and used proper program for project needs
Below Average |
- technical elements showed redundancy or randomness
- execution had technical glitches or did not meet minimum format requirements
- executed with adequate program but with severe errors
- choice of program was not well informed
This area refers to the formal delivery decisions and choices the student undertook towards visually communicating ideas in the presentation, care and craftsmanship of their execution.
In a still arrangement, these can take on many traits and are dependent on what you require. These can include;
- compositional principles such as balance, dynamism
- elements of design such as the use of shapes, line, patterns, texture, etc…
- delineation/organization of information through fonts, colour and sizes, proportion, scale, juxtapositions
- relationships made between media and/or stylistic elements.
You may also wish to specify for students to add names of visual influences in their written response or process work as a way of working through formal decisions. Below are some ideas of descriptors that can be used for a rubric, but please edit and adjust to be sure these match the format you require!
Above Average |
- distinguished focus in formal decisions (in composition, positioning, proportions, colour and value, font choices, etc…) and arrangement visually informs ideas about content depicted
- strong visual organization and connection of media, text and stylistic elements strongly convey a message with purpose
- proven meticulous attention to detail and highly well-crafted
- sense of economy, sophistication and maturity in using visual potentials in nuanced execution highlight purpose and intention
- poignantly unforgettable images that capture essential moments
Average Work |
- formal decisions (such as composition, shades and colour, positioning, proportions, font choices, etc…) of multimedia and design elements communicates ideas about subject topic
- arrangement choices appropriate to subject with adequate rendering
- formal decisions consider execution purpose and content with minor distractions
- formal execution shows organization, legibility, etc….
- problem solved compositional strategies in an appropriate and creative way
Below Average |
- formal arrangements (such as composition, positioning, proportions, colour and value, font choices, etc…) somewhat or not considered, show carelessness and/or distracts content or purpose
- faulty craftsmanship and/or lack of attention to detail in delivery
- delivery not worked through resulting in hindered usability and communication
- lacking sophistication or reserve
- missing style or vigor resulting in uninspired work
This area refers to the formal delivery decisions and choices the student undertook towards visually communicating ideas in the presentation, care and craftsmanship of their execution.
In time based formats (video, film, animation, etc…) this can take on many traits depending on what is required, but can include;
- rhythm of edits as well as timing in distributing information and/or storyline
- scene juxtapositions and relationships between scenes
- detail and precision of edits and integrated transitions
- sound design, including volume and tonal consistency throughout scenes
A focus on individual scenes can also be graded, including a look at;
- composition in the frame, proportions of objects and subjects, angles and point of view
- lighting and how it informs focus on subject matter, all necessary visual information is present
- purposefully designed colour palettes
- metaphoric uses of images can give the work visual grammar or expression.
- sound design and its relationship to the visual
You may also wish to specify for students to add names of visual influences in their written response or process work as a way of working through formal delivery decisions. Below are some ideas of descriptors that can be used for a rubric, but please be sure these match the format you require!
Above Average |
- distinguished execution of every individual scene composition (framing, angles and point of view, lighting, visual information, colour, density balance, etc..)
- overall meticulous editing towards a detail oriented and highly crafted rhythm, pacing, relationship between scenes and transitions
- visually depicted in creative arrangements, giving work visual grammar or expression as a way to further inform ideas about content
- strong sense of economy, sophistication and maturity in using visual potentials in nuanced execution highlight purpose and intention
Average Work |
- thoughtful execution of most individual scene compositions (framing, angles and point of view, lighting, visual information, colour, density balance, etc..)
- overall flow created between scenes and storyline with expected pacing in delivery
- formal decisions consider purpose of execution and content with minor distractions
- formal execution shows organization, legibility, etc…. and appropriate to subject with decent rendering
- problem solved compositional strategies in an appropriate way<
Below Average |
- formal arrangements show carelessness and/or distractions to piece
- faulty craftsmanship and/or lack of attention to detail in delivery
- formal arrangement and delivery not worked through (or attempted) or had minimal thought towards purpose of piece
- lacking style or vigor, uninspired work
This area refers to the formal delivery decisions and choices the student undertook towards visually communicating ideas in the presentation, care and craftsmanship of their execution.
In sound-based works, (ie. podcast, song, etc) arrangements may vary and grading depends on what is required, but can include;
- dialogue and voice(s) quality and editing
- sound effects and music to enhance story
- rhythm and pacing over time and narrative development
- control of sound through even distribution of volume or appropriate highs and lows
- audio organization and attention to elements of white noise or other distractions
- overall effectiveness contributing to the story, mood and environment.
You may also wish to specify for students to add names of sound or stylistic influences in their written response or process work as a way of working through formal delivery decisions. Below are some ideas of descriptors that can be used for a rubric, but please be sure to adjust to your requirements!
Above Average |
- timing and transitions are smooth and well-spaced
- volume of voice, music and effects thoughtfully considered and well-rendered
- script was strong, succinctly edited and well-rehearsed towards highly effective enunciation, expression and rhythm
- music and sounds enhance mood, quality and understanding of information
- sophisticated arrangements prove purpose and intention in delivery
Average Work |
- purposeful timing and transitions in most arrangements to build up message
- appropriate volume, voice and music and effects with decent execution
- script met project expectations and was rehearsed towards expected enunciation, expression and rhythm
- music and sounds of credible quality and consider purpose of execution and content with minor distractions
- formal execution and editing shows organization, legibility, etc.
Below Average |
- sound arrangements not sufficiently thought through
- showed carelessness and/or distractions to intentions
- faulty craftsmanship and/or lack of attention to detail in delivery including volume and tempo inconsistencies
- minimal or poorly crafted editing, not connecting to purpose of piece
- lacking style or vigor, uninspired work
This area refers to the formal delivery decisions and choices the student undertook towards visually communicating ideas in the presentation, care and craftsmanship of their execution.
Below are some ideas of descriptors that can be used for a rubric, but please be sure these match the format you require, as interactive projects take on many forms!
Above Average |
- excellent use of navigational tools and interface elements
- effective combination of media and persuasively integrated in design
- distribution of challenging material by creatively problem-solving formal decisions
- proven meticulous attention to detail and well-crafted
- maturity in execution choices with purpose and intention in delivery
Average Work |
- adequate navigational tools and interactive elements
- formal arrangement appropriate to subject with decent rendering
- formal decisions consider purpose of execution and content with minor distractions
- formal execution shows organization, legibility, etc….
- problem solved compositional strategies in an appropriate and creative way
Below Average |
- while message is conveyed, use of visual and interactive elements is limited
- some use of multimedia and design elements that mostly work
- unorganized areas distract audience interaction in the piece
- faulty craftsmanship and/or lack of attention to detail in delivery
- formal arrangement and delivery not worked through (or attempted) or had minimal thought towards purpose of piece
- lacking style or vigor, uninspired work
Creativity is best scaled within project parameters and outcomes, rather than ambiguous expectations that make it difficult to prove students worked through creative challenges. As well, grading for creativity can be contentious territory if you do not give students some sort of guidance or practice of creative problem solving in your class. However, if you wish to give credit for creativity, below are some of the ways you can distinguish creativity at different levels.
Above Average |
- met project goals while also challenging assignment properties
- distinguished understanding of what a creative approach can offer an audience
- use of media enhanced conceptual framework and research with proven thoughtful creative problem solving
- developed something new and interesting, an outlook and media activation that is original and powerful
Average Work |
- proven understanding of project and format challenges with average success in follow-through decisions and work
- competent approach to realizing project goals within most aspects
- low-level distractions or unrealized areas evident
Below Average |
- project goals met with unoriginal or common approach
- proof of average understanding of project goals but with high number or large distractions
- lack proof of important decisions and critical analysis to inform follow-through
Coming up with a media project for a research topic is also a conceptual endeavor. Initial connections and resulting effectiveness in the use and delivery of multimodal media components towards the research topic can be ranked in various ways.
You can give credit and rate ways in which a student initiates and forms a conceptual alignment informed by the topics of the class and the decisions in their visual output. This can also include an integration of contemporary social, political, environmental, etc… issues of relevance incorporated into the piece, if specified.
You may need a written response to help give evidence or proof of these ideas because while the intention may be there (and hopefully given credit) the execution may not have worked out that well.
Above Average |
- found stimulating ways to activate extensive research knowledge towards challenging the purpose and use of media formats
- distinguished understanding of what a conceptual approach can offer the processes, material and visual negotiations while making
- develops meta cognitive ways for an audience to participate in the ideas
- brave approach to content and use of media that show intellectual risk-taking
Average Work |
- proven base of knowledge of advanced concepts activated conceptual approach to use of media
- interprets multimodal project goals through thoughtful approach to subject matter
- found a conceptual framework to work through ideas in a capable approach
- well developed insights were synthesized into media execution
Below Average |
- missing proof of a developed conceptual awareness though attempted connection of media form to subject matter
- lacking conceptual vision or idea, confused or inconsistent delivery
- research knowledge not engaged towards a conceptual framework
Meeting project goals criteria in your rubric can allow for grading student engagement in holistically working through the overall goals of the multimodal assignment. You will have to specify areas to state what these goals are, and to what degree they have been met, but as a broad idea you might want to consider the following.
Above Average |
- met project goals while also critically challenging media assignment properties proven by a distinguished analysis of consequences and effects of representational practices
- proven creative problem solving and critical approach in all decisions of execution
- investment in subject matter supports methodical conviction of rendering a specific vision
Average Work |
- proven understanding of project and format challenges with average success in follow-through decisions and work
- competent approach to realizing project goals within most aspects
- low-level distractions or unrealized areas evident
Below Average |
- missing proof of a developed conceptual awareness though attempted connection of media form to subject matter
- lacking conceptual vision or idea, confused or inconsistent delivery
- research knowledge not engaged towards a conceptual framework
- evidence that thoughtful consideration in subject matter is lacking, and an overall vision is absent
As recommended, if you require a written response or reflection to accompany a multimodal work. You can assign a component of the grade to account for this description, process, links and reflection and the following consist of brief suggestions of how you might do this.
Above Average |
- conveys strong and critically constructive towards significant growth, able to be productive within a self-negotiated critical framework
- clearly articulates ways in which they creatively problem solved and worked through decisions; pointing out details and subtle nuances that challenge strategies to address and improve upon
- described how process was influenced by development work, and reflects upon how lessons learned will influence future work
- reveals constructive and practical processes and paths effectively worked through
- considered peer review feedback in their process, and acted upon suggestions with attention to implications and decision making for making improvements
Average Work |
- mostly clear in explaining how process and making demonstrates personal growth, competencies, accomplishments, skills, and include goals for continued learning through challenges
- demonstrates and acknowledges achievements within works
- demonstrates some degree of critical thinking, but follow through on changes or choices were lacking, inconsistent or not well executed
Below Average |
- while some personal growth elements are evident, not able to illustrate or effectively critique how process and final work functions to their aim
- lacking constructive practical alternatives or explanation of growth and goals for continued learning
- demonstrated limited critical thinking or process revisions as areas are superficially or minimally addressed, or lacking follow through altogether
- attempted but inadequate proof of understanding or reasoning for execution decisions, lack of attention to details that influence reception
Sharing projects with colleagues in the classroom via presentations or online can be an enjoyable way to encourage and generate knowledge sharing and further utilize the project format for distribution. Peer review can also be used in the draft stage to help encourage improvements to the final version of a project. The following are general suggestions for how you may want to grade feedback if you require it.
Above Average |
- distinguished level of engagement, active looking/listening with details of the work
- generative with peer comments, incorporating and building off ideas
- exceptional relevancy that engages artistic/stylistic/media vocabulary in a consistent and relevant way, clearly articulates difficult concepts that are thoughtful and considered to provoke intriguing questions and comments
- respectfully responds and further builds upon classmate remarks
- class codes are respected, differing points of view are acknowledged, valued and seriously and generously engaged in progress of peers in class
- shows consistency in responding to more than one work with thoughtful consideration
Average Work |
- positions and engages with works
- understands details and adequate focus
- effort to communicate is evident and terminology and process adequate
- at times can be convoluted and confused or comments are simplistic or sometimes irrelevant
- does not distract but does not exhibit enough engagement, lacks thoughtfulness or consistency
Below Average |
- lacks positioning in a way that engages with work, does not pay attention to details
- insufficient focus in discussion, or ideas are generalized and not acknowledging or responding to prior statements proposed by classmates
- lacking relevancy or direction because of lack of clarity or purposelessness
- scathing for no purpose and lacking substance to back up, does not respect class code or lack of respect by way of lack of engagement